Matt Damon deler historien bag sin krypto-reklame

Famous Hollywood actor Matt Damon has revealed the story of how he became involved in creating a cryptocurrency commercial calledFortune Favors the Bravewith After the release of the crypto ad, Damon faced global criticism for his involvement in

Bitcoin-tilhængere slår nobelpristageren Paul Krugman ned efter Venmo-betalingsproblemet

Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman complained on Twitter Wednesday that he was experiencing issues with the centralized payment processor Venmo. His tweet was followed by a barrage of bitcoin supporters who insisted that Krugman was now realizing the importance of censorship-resistant

Ark Invests administrerende direktør advarer om, at rentestigninger kan fremkalde en "deflationær bust" i åbent brev til Fed

Efter FN's konference om handel og udvikling (UNCTAD) rapportere, at U.S. Federal Reserve bør stoppe med at hæve renten, Ark Invest CEO Catherine Wood har offentliggjort et åbent brev til U.S.A. central bank asking the institution to stop raising

Bitcoin Miner Greenidge søger at hæve $22.8 Million i Klasse A Fælles Aktieforslag

The bitcoin mining operation Greenidge Generation is seeking to raise roughly $22.8 million, according to a U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK) filing published Wednesday. According to the prospectus disclosing information, the New York-based Greenidge conducted a sales agreement with the investment

Angribere stjæler $80 Million fra Rari Capitals sikringsplatform, Fei-protokollen lider under udnyttelse

According to a report from the blockchain company Blocsec, Rari Capitals Fuse platform has lost roughly $80 million from areentrancy vulnerability.On Saturday, Fei Protocols official Twitter account confirmed it lost funds from the Rari Fuse platform exploit. $80 Million…

Bitcoin Mining Report Viser Networks emissionskonto for 0.08% af verdens CO2

During the last year, Bitcoin — the cryptocurrency network that leverages proof-of-work (PoW) to process transactions and secure the protocolhas received a lot of criticism about its environmental impact. Denne uge, the cryptocurrency firm Coinshares published a report that

Sydkoreansk lovgiver siger, at han vil begynde at acceptere kryptodonationer i det nye år

Lee Kwang-jae, a South Korean lawmaker, recently stated that he will be accepting cryptocurrency donations starting mid-January 2022. According to the politician, this plan represents his attempt to raise awareness about cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens among South Koreans. Donations to Be

Spiludviklere GSC Game World og Ubisoft Face Backlash Om NFT-inkludering

GSC Game World and Ubisoft, two game development companies, are dealing with backlash about the inclusion of NFT elements in some of their games. While GSC Game Worlddeveloper of the popular Stalker gaming franchisehas abandoned its plans

Ethereums medstifter Vitalik Buterin udgiver 'Plausible Roadmap', der adresserer skalerbarhed

In recent times the Ethereum network has received a lot of criticism about the protocols data transfer fees and scalability. In a blog post calledEndgame,” published on December 6, the co-founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin discussed plans to improve scaling,…

Electric Coin Company afslører, at Zcash-netværket går over til Proof-of-Stake 3 Flere år

På fredag, Electric Coin Company (ECC), the developers behind the privacy-centric crypto-asset zcash, revealed the network plans to transition to proof-of-stake (Kosmos) consensus. ECC also revealed the team plans to launch an official ECC wallet, as well as bolster the network’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta…